Want to learn more about the world of cider-making? Read our blog for insider information, tips and more from our cider experts!
Mulberry Collective, Assemble!
Virginians, we need your help. Fanfare is one of our most challenging creations each year. Infused with wild mulberries foraged in the Richmond area, this cider is wholly dependent on…
Summer Music Series 2016 Lineup
Check out our Facebook Events Page for details each Summer Music Series performance!
History on Tap: “Turn” and the Power of Interpretive Storytelling
“Storytelling is our process of telling who we are. We have to tell stories. […] Interpretation and imagination are absolutely integral to telling our history.” – Dr. Edward Lengel, historian…
Our Soloists
It’s not uncommon for our tasting room visitors to react with astonishment when they see our wall of “glam shots” – photos of the various apples that we use for…
Secondary Bloom
Since the earliest days of Blue Bee Cider, we have had challenges and hard luck. The longer you work here, the more you share in our common memories of bad…
Day One
April 20, 2013. I cannot believe that it’s been three years since we opened the tasting room at Blue Bee Cider. In that brief time, we have more than doubled…
Wassail to Women! Our Historic Role in Cidermaking
Did you know that March is Women’s History Month? With the aim of “paying tribute to the generations of women whose commitment to nature and the planet have proved invaluable…
Appreciation of Craft
Working in this industry has filled me with an appreciation for the work and dedication that goes into every wine, beer, mead, and spirit that I come across. It has…
As craft beverage enthusiasts discover artisan cider, it’s worth noting that the current cider boom is not so much an arrival as a revival. Cider was the preferred table beverage…
Playing Matchmaker: Cider & Food Pairings
It’s no secret that our team at Blue Bee likes to eat. Passionate debates have ensued over the best fried chicken spot in town or which donut flavors to order…
The Discovery of Fermentation
Having only known the basics, I was partially blind to fermentation in 2013. It was simply a word and its meaning was void of any visuals and significance. My first…
Black History in Cider
In 2015, Blue Bee Cider and our distributor, Virginia Winery Distribution Company, co-hosted our first seminar about the roles of African Americans in our cider history. There are a few…
Urban Orchard 101: Scionwood
Every apple seed is a unique individual. Sowing seeds from apples that you like, more often than not, will give you a tree that bears fruit unlike its parent. So…
Urban Orchard 101: Which Apples to Grow
Choosing which heirloom apples trees to grow is an ongoing dialogue of trial and error, even for highly experienced growers. We talk to each other, we talk to our customers,…
Runaway Stew
At the end of the press day, we always find runaway apples that managed to avoid the fate of their fellows. Though destined for the grinder, these apples manage to…
Urban Orchard 101: Know Your Microclimate
As I contemplate our new facility location, one of the most important things to work through is siting the trees on the property. All apple trees need sunlight, air, water,…
Hewe’s Crab
The most celebrated Southern cider apple, the Hewe’s Crab was first recorded in 1741 and became a favorite of our founding fathers, including Washington and Jefferson. William Coxe included an…
The Potager Begins
Once upon a time, Blue Bee Cider was just an idea. One of the first things that I learned while I was apprenticing at Albemarle CiderWorks, was that the kind…
FAQ: When are You Moving to the New Location?
This is the most frequently asked question in our tasting room and when we are out and about in Richmond these days. As of this writing, we are planning to…
Welcome to the Blue Bee Cider blog!
You can expect to hear from different members of Blue Bee Cider’s team as we wind our way through the seasons of growing apples, making juice, cider and brandy, and…